Our Company

Our company is built on the principles of providing a fast reliable top quality service specifically aimed at leading house builders, developers and housing associations as well as private individuals.

With over 30 years experience of working for most of the countries largest building developers, providing Building Regulation approvals throughout England, we can offer our clients a fast, efficient, reliable and friendly service with a personal touch that clients have appreciated and depended upon. We are able to offer creative and sustainable solutions that are cost effective and practical but most essentially have a buildability factor.

Our unique service has established our place in this industry. This allows us to make a distinctive and substantial impact for our clients.


We have worked on projects ranging in scale from large residential/retail developments consisting several hundred units to detailed contemporary designs for individual private dwellings. We have also been conducted to work on a variety of client based schemes which include refurbishment, Housing Association & Private Developments.

We are located at:

Currie Design Limited

Dulce Domum, Church Road

Thorrington, Essex


Contact us today!

If you have any queries or wish to to discuss any potential schemes, please contact us:


01206 250620



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Registered Limited Company No: 06165816